Wednesday, June 27, 2007

New Alternatives for those who need Finance and have Bad Credit

For those who have a bad credit history there are new options available for getting finance. You may have heard of Bad Credit Bank Accounts; these accounts are specially designed for those who have less than perfect credit and need a way to obtain finance.

Bad Credit Accounts explained

These accounts have basically two purposes, they provide finance through pre-agreed personal Loans and they also help improve credit score. In order to make good use of these tools, you need to know exactly how they work and how to get access to them. Following are a couple of tips on this subject that you may find useful.

Bad Credit Bank Accounts are just like any bank account, the only difference is that certain banks, smaller ones, have fewer requirements than others and thus make available this kind of account packages for people with bad credit. What makes these accounts good news is even better news for those with a bad credit history who are unable to get finance.

These accounts are savings or checking accounts that also include the possibility to retrieve money from the account even if there is not enough money on it. The bank automatically lends the money and charges an interest on it. However, the amount you can retrieve is small, usually around $1500.

Pre-agreed Personal Loans

What makes these accounts special is that they come with a pre-agreed Personal Loan. This means that whenever you need to, you can borrow a larger amount of money, usually up to $10000 or more without doing any paperwork. This is possible because the bank has already done all the credit verifications when you obtained the bank account. In fact, you can even obtain the money via the ATM.

When you obtain the account you’ll get all the information regarding these loans. Usually to keep it simple, they’ll show you the monthly installment amount you’ll have to pay every $1000. This amount includes everything: principal, interest, administrative fees, insurance, etc.

Pre-Agreed personal loans are unsecured loans, but the interest rate associated with them is lower than stand-alone personal loans, mainly because many fees are already being charged with the maintenance of the account. Thus, you are getting more services for the same or less money.

Credit Repair

Another benefit that comes attached with these accounts is that both the account and the pre-agreed personal loan contribute to rebuild your credit. A regular use of both will slowly raise your credit score and improve your credit history. You may even get a good credit score in a small period of time, as the banks always inform credit agencies of your credit performance.

As a plus, some of these accounts will grant you either a secured credit card or an unsecured credit card depending on your credit score and history. But if you have bad credit, a secured credit card is not that bad as you’ll be able to improve your credit faster because each time you pay the balance in full it get’s recorded into your credit history. You’ll then have three financial products regularly being reported: The account, the pre-agreed personal loan and the unsecured or secured credit card. It’s a single combo with many benefits.

Would You Like To Find Out How To Repair Your Credit Today Starting From Scratch?

If you’re searching online to find ways to repair your credit, whatever your current financial situation is right now, you need to take the first step and clear your mind, and start using a common sense approach to your financial issues

I would like to warn you that you’re going to come across many web sites offering you information that will express to you that they can offer magical solutions to get you out of your credit troubles quickly, and I’m hoping after you read my article, you will take the common sense steps to repairing your credit, and becoming debt free without getting sucked in to all the hype that’s floating out there

When it comes to determining what type of credit repair is required, you have to first understand how you got into debt in the first place. Is it because you dont know how to control your compulsive and excess spending? Did you over-extend your credit due to an unexpected circumstance, which forced you to use your credit limits beyond your financial means to survive until you can rectify the situation?

The questions above are important to answer, and they need to be answered before you can move forward to seek the help you truly need. You should know where you stand in your spending and financial situation. If you know you have a compulsive spending habit that’s currently spiralling out of your control, you will need different services than if your financial problems are a once in lifetime occurrence that was totally out of your control, but you are responsible enough fix the problem, but need some guidance. When you come to terms of your present situation, you can then start working towards a repair plan, and determine whether you’re going to need a specialized credit repair company, or a debt management service to get you back on track.

b What You Need To Do And Know When Youre Applying For The Credit Report /b

Creditors and financial institutions always seem to show compassion and full interest in your life when they’re giving you a credit card or loan, but when you start missing payments, you will quickly find out how harsh and uncompassionate they can be towards your monetary situation, and in most cases they will not care how you got into debt, because they run a business and youre either an asset, or you are a deficit to their financial bottom line.

With that in mind, you need to contact a credit bureau, (recommended once every six months), and get them to submit to you a free credit report, and the reason I say free is because there should be no charge for your report, and the only costs (if any) should be postage and maybe a small processing fee. However, you may opt use a professional reporting service that will do this on your behalf, and we can talk about your options later.

To obtain your personal credit report, you need to submit a request in writing, and provide the credit bureau your personal information to prove your identity, and when everything checks out ok, they will send you a report to your home via mail. When you receive your credit information, normally in 2-3 weeks, you may be overwhelmed if you have never seen a credit report before You’ll be asking yourself, how do they get all this information on me, and who sends all this detailed information to them?

The process is like this: When you sign-up for a credit card, get a loan, or obtain cards from retail stores, you’re automatically placed in the bureaus database, and when you make payments, pay off loans, or miss a payment, it’s all recorded with the bureau, and this information is what they use to determine your credit rating and develop a score on your current and past activities.

You need to extensively check your credit and debt history on your report, and also understand the credit score they issue you to see where you stand in regards to your credit rating. These scores and ratings are updated when credit card companies, banking institutions, and retail stores submit information on your activity, which could be weekly, monthly, and even quarterly. Lending institutions and credit card companies can access this personal information of yours, and they will use this information to calculate your overall credit worthiness to make a final decision on your acceptance or rejection of loans and credit cards you may be applying for at the time.

b If you’re not sure whether your credit rating is in an ugly position or not, the first thing you need to do is go over your report with a fine-tooth comb, and see if there are any Report Errors /b

i You would be amazed how many times a card company or retail business accidentally submitted wrong reporting information that would negatively affect your credit history. If you don’t check often, you may never catch them in time, and when you go to apply for a car loan or mortgage, you’ll be in shock and disbelief when they turn your application down /i

Many people end up being extremely embarrassed when they walk into their local bank for a personal loan or mortgage, or fill out an application for a credit card, because they didn’t keep on top of their bureau reports. Unfortunately you found out the bad news about your credit history from these 3rd party sources, that you currently have a delinquent account, or missed payments, and it may not be wrongdoing Once you receive this information and get over the shock, it can take several weeks if not months to fix these errors listed, and your application will surely be delayed.

If you’re having problems knowing what steps to take to fix your errors, you do have options to contact professional repair companies in your local neighbourhood, and even online, you can easily find qualified companies that can help you clean up your reports. Keep in mind that you would be paying them a fee for their services, and it would be determined by how extensively you want theme to get involved. The benefits of having expert people are that they know exactly what necessary steps to take, and they can fully assist you in cleaning your credit errors in a timely manner. There are never any guarantees, but at least you have someone that knows what theyre doing, and this type of service may be to your advantage.

I hope you understand that the final decision is always yours at the end of the day. Never feel pressured to use any company that youre not sure about, and I recommend that you view all your options and see what suits your needs best under your current situation. In the end, if you determine you’re beyond the scope of repairing your credit history, then the next steps will be to contact a non-profit or government debt counseling service, or you can seek some online non-profit debt service companies that can help you determine the next steps to your financial recovery. If it’s truly too late, and you possibly have to declare bankruptcy, they will help you in making the necessary decisions on what to do next.

I would like for you to understand one thing after reading this article, and that is no matter what you’re going through today, your HEALTH is the most important to you So please promise me that you will take care of yourself, because in the end nothing else matters if you’re allowing your current credit situation to deplete your well-being physically and mentally due to an accumulation of bad stress. Now that you’re on the right path to repairing the bad credit listed on your reports, I encourage you to follow my Part II of this article find out the next steps to take in repairing your credit or debt situation:

Cards For People With Bad Credit Helps You Spend Within Your Financial Means

Cards for people with bad credit is a convenient way to help you control your current spending and get your life back on financial track

Depending on how bad your credit is, people need to understand that debt can cause not only major financial trouble, but it could easily damage relationships with family and friends, and your bad credit could also be a good indicator that you have an addiction to spending.

In my opinion, there’s no need to have more than two credit cards, and for many, three cards should be the maximum. The issue with having a MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and every other credit card under the sun is the difficulty in tracking each credit card’s spending limit, and because the statements may come in at different times during the month, you can easily lose track of the overall amount being spent on each one.

Now with access to online cards, many individuals that are maxing out their credit limits are going to an online cards site that claim they will repair or consolidate their debt with their unsecured cards. But when you look at the interest they will end up charging, you may be getting in deeper than you may be in right now

b Checking Your Credit History With Bureaus Will Indicate Where Your Finance Stands /b

Once you contact your local bureau to get your credit report, you can then take a deep breath and see how good or bad your current financial situation is, and if your credit score is beyond repair, then you have to make decisions on what type of debt repair you need.

Your bank may be willing to offer you an unsecured credit card with a lower interest rate or a consolidation card, and if you’re financially capable of paying down your credit limits without having to borrow money from existing cards, then you should consider these options first before taking any other actions.

If your credit problems are beyond your control, and the interest on each card is turning into an emergency situation, then your next step is to talk to your financial institution, or a debt consolidation company to apply for a consolidation loan, and either hide your cards for a long time, or better yet, cut them up for good

Remember, it’s never the end of the world even if you happen to declare personal bankruptcy. While you’re taking the necessary steps to improve your rating again, and doing what’s required to establish a better relationship with your creditor or creditors, you can look into other options such as prepaid credit cards to get you through your troubled times.

Three Simple Ways To Use My Credit Repair Tips And Save Thousands

My credit repair tips are simple yet they provide ways to help you repair your credit without having to give up your lifestyle

Before I offer you my credit repair information though, I must tell you that not knowing your current debt situation, this solution may not work for everyone. I’m not a professional credit counsellor or financial advisor, so by saying this, I wish that you take my tips as a stepping stone, however, please make sure you research and get all the facts before attempting any of my ideas.

I highly recommend that you contact your local credit bureau, and have them provide you a history of your credit reports. By contacting Equifax, which is one of the report bureaus that will have your information, they will give you a good understanding where you stand if you know you have credit problems.

Depending on how good or bad your credit reports indicate will be the stepping stone to your debt recovery process. Now I will provide you more information on how to repair your credit score another time, because this article is more for the person searching to reduce their credit debt. I will provide you ways to maintain your current lifestyle without having to give up the things you WANT, and that word is the key to controlling your debt

b Purchase What You Need, And Negotiate The Things You Want /b

When you understand the major difference between needing and wanting something, you will be on your way to a debt-free life. The reason so many Americans, and people worldwide, are in such financial debt is because they purchase too many items that they want, and not enough of what they need. Combine the two and you have a financial tornado that never stops spinning.

I consider items that fall under the “need” category such as food, shelter, and clothing. You may come up with a different list, but the important message here is that you have to understand which are the basic necessities that you can’t live without before you can improve your credit.

A good example is purchasing a vehicle, which seems to be a large contributor for many that get into financial trouble quickly. You have to look at this purchase and ask yourself if you really NEED a vehicle. Many of you will probably say yes, because having to admit that a car or truck for most of you is a want and not a need, and to answer this question, you simply have to realize whether it really supports your transportation goals.

Go back and ask the question in the terms of “Transportation Needs”. Do you really need a vehicle to get from point A to point B, or do you only want a car or truck for the convenience it provides you? Compare the monthly lease or finance payments, maintenance, and gas expenses versus bus transportation, and using a taxicab service for emergency and last minute situations. Do the math and see which solution will save you money each month, and focus on achieving that goal to savings.

It’s a loaded question and solution, but if you answered truthfully and realistically, it can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars each year You will have more equity in your pocket for all the other things that you need, and when you control your personal expenses, the savings turn into equity that you can reward yourself with from time to time.

If you still don’t agree with me on the transportation example, that’s ok, because I only wanted to use that as an example of how our minds have a hard time differentiating the need and want concept. I’m going to offer you tips that you may not have exercised in the past, and these simple tips could easily save you money.

Many of you might be borderline in debt, and are slowly increasing your chance of becoming a creditors nightmare, however, even though you may be aware of your financial situation, you just can’t stop the shopping itch for all the latest trendy items that you don’t need, but want.

b Follow My Repair Tip Strategies, And You Don’t Have To Compromise Your Lifestyle /b

Each credit repair tip that I offer you is in no way guaranteed, and I highly recommend that you do all the research possible to make it work for you. Not understanding the consequences will only get you deeper into debt, and that’s not my intention.

Many items that you buy that fall under the want category, which normally have what I call an “enjoyment cycle”. What I mean by this is that when you make the purchase, how long does it take for you to lose the enjoyment of that item, and how long does it take for it to finally end up in the back of your closet or the corner of your garage. Let’s say on average it takes only one month for the appeal of the item wears off, and if you agree with me, I can offer you some great tips that can work where you can actually enjoy the trendy items, but save tons of money in the process.

b These tips will take a bit of research and networking, but if you have the motivation to repair your debt and enjoy your favorite products at the same time, this will be worth the effort: /b

b Tip #1: /b Research as many of your popular shopping venues that offer 30 day no question return policies, or have a deferral program that allows you to test the products with no financial obligation. Keep in mind that you must make sure that you know exactly what their policies allow, so you don’t get stuck with the product you may not want to keep.

Having a period of time to try the items at no cost to you is an advantage to you, and prior to the 30 days or longer is completed, ask yourself the important question; do you need it, or did you only want it because of all the hype it gave you? This is your opportunity to see if it is something you will use for a long time, or will be another dust collector. If you send it back, you get a credit back on your card, and voila, you gave yourself an opportunity to get the want feeling out of your system, and really find out if you needed it or not

b Tip #2: /b There are so many retail and online stores that offer monthly specials such as a “Two For One Deal” With your savvy and creative mind, compile a list of all your favorite shops that provide these monthly specials of your desired items, and find out on average how many of your closest friends and family members purchase from these shops. You can provide a shopping service for them as a convenience; tell them that you expect nothing in return other than the second item that is offered for free.

This tip is a little more work, but once you establish your services, they will become invaluable and rewarding for you and your recipients. First, start with your friends and family, because they will be understanding with your current financial situation and will support you on your venture. From there you can let the word of mouth expand your service, and who knows, you may develop this service into a little business that may turn your life around in a positive direction.

b Tip #3: /b If you have friends, family members, or associates that don’t own a credit card, but want to experience the savings of many items offered online, or discounts that are only given to certain credit card purchases, let these people know that you can help them save money by using your card.

This is very b “IMPORTANT” /b to remember Do not under any circumstances use your card without receiving payment up-front. You will get further into financial trouble if you don’t establish rules in your service, and always ask for payment prior to any charges.

If done properly, you will be able to accumulate a great number of points for free items, and in the process you will be helping many of your recipients get their favorite items at a reduced cost, plus any perks that go with using a credit card online or in their select retail store.

These are just a couple of tips that I can offer that may be a solution to helping you pay down your credit debt, while taking advantage of all the free services to test and enjoy items at no cost to you. Do your homework, and when you implement these programs successfully, you will achieve in enjoying your want items, and use your extra equity to pay down your bills.

However, if you feel that you’re beyond credit repair on your own and you need to find repair information from professional sources, I recommend that you read my article on “Credit Repair Companies”, by clicking on the link in my Author Bio below, and see if they can provide you necessary strategies and repair steps to get you back on track.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Credit Repair Business Opportunity

If you are in the credit repair business and you are looking for a credit repair business opportunity, you may want to consider purchasing credit repair leads.

Credit repair leads are considered a good business opportunity because normally people who go to specific sites and fill out forms specific to credit repair have committed themselves to finding a company and a person to help them.

With a credit repair lead, you will have a potential customer who is serious about having repair work done to their credit report. Otherwise, they never would have come as far as putting a phone number or e-mail out there for contact purposes.

These potential customers are not merely thinking about it, or just playing with the idea, they are truly serious and they are waiting on a phone call.

Of all the credit repair business opportunities available, purchasing credit repair leads is perhaps one of the best. Basically, the potential customer has come to you, and provided you with their information before you have even made contact.

Keep in mind, like all business opportunities, credit repair business opportunities need to be researched before any kind of commitment or investment is involved.

If you are considering purchasing credit repair leads, be sure to research the company you are purchasing them from.

Call and speak with one of their customer service rep’s and find out how they obtain their credit repair leads and what the process is for obtaining them in a timely fashion.

Jay Conners is the owner of two mortgage related lead sites where he obtains leads from people looking for credit repair. Please visit his sites at And